Discover "The beauty of quality" in the Garaga product line
March 11th 2008
Garaga just launched a new microsite that will help consumers understand how the quality of the Garaga product line is superior to other garage doors on the market.
Using 3D technology, which provides a more vibrant and dynamic visual explanation, the visitor can evaluate the six important benefits of the Garaga residential product line. The Beauty Of QualityTM represents the combination of crisp aesthetics and solid construction. A long life quality!
In addition, Garaga also launches its new concept, «100% Garaga», that will ensure customers they are getting a complete authentic Garaga garage door system (all components are either manufactured by Garaga or meet Garaga's high quality standards). The same also applies to the newly launched garage door opener CarGo. This garage door opener uses the best performing technology and is one of the smoothest operating openers on the market.
Garaga's microsite "The Beauty Of QualityTM" is the perfect complement to the Garaga "Design Center", that let's consumers create their own garage door.