Garaga is adding a new panel design to its Triforce model

January 28th 2015

To complete its product line, Garaga is adding a new garage door panel design to its TriForce door, the MIX panels.

The Garaga Triforce MIX is the fourth model offered in its category. If you want, you can order the Classic (embossed patterns of 21 x 13 in), the Carriage House model and the Flush model. Recall that the Triforce is a door 2-in thick door, 3 layers, made ​​of 26-gauge galvanized steel on the two sides of the door and is insulated with a polystyrene panel ensuring a thermal resistance value of R-10. Furthermore, the Triforce is made with a Tongue & Groove joint between the sections and is offered in 6 different colors.

Triforce Mix

Details are available online on the Garaga website

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