For a silent garage door

In its constant search for improvement of its products, Garaga would like to mention that it is now easy to reduce the noise of a garage door while opening and/or closing. You just have to make a judicious choice of product, carry out some adjustments and you will be the owner of a "silent garage door".

The first thing to do, for all types of doors, is to change the steel rollers to nylon rollers. They allow a softer rotation on the tracks. You will notice a big difference. For a door 12 foot or over, we suggest white nylon rollers with ballbearings.

The choice of electric operator is also important. Choose the model with a rubber belt reinforced with metal wire. The motor of this model is insulated from the metal case in order to cut out vibration. Moreover, the belt is much quieter than the traditional steel chain.

If you already have an electric operator with a chain, it is possible for you to get a noise isolator system. Conceived for any type of operator, the insulator cuts the vibrations between the engine and the metal support attached to the beams of the ceiling. The ceiling attachement is a very significant point, especially when there is a bedroom above the garage. When the garage is entirely made of concrete, the horizontal tracks must also be insulated (vibration). You can also use a piece of rubber (¼" thickness) semi-rigid to cut the vibrations. On a wood frame, do not fix directly under the beams, but place a piece of wood (2" x 4") under which you will have installed a rubber insulator.

With such as bedroom above a garage having a plan wood floor on concrete it is difficult to sound-proof completely. In such situations, the garage serves as "a resonance chamber" and the installation of a carpet and an under carpet is important.

For those who do not have a garage door yet, we advise you to choose a garage door with an aluminum coating. These are lighter and easier than the steel door on the opening mechanism (hardware and engine) at a medium and long term.

The choice of a good lifting system (springs) can also contribute to noise reduction when you open a garage door. It is advised to use the "torsion" type springs, because its allows more precise swinging of the door and avoids the friction of cables and springs on the horizontal tracks.

As for the hardware, opt for the largest radius possible. The larger the radius the smoother the door action will be. The standard radius are 10 inches ("extension" spring) and 12 or 15 inches ( "torsion" spring). Finally, a regular lubrication of the exterior frame weatherstripping (silicone), rollers and track (motor oil) is important. Do this at least twice a year.

As you see, it's easy to find solutions for noise problem. Do not hesitate to communicate with a professional garage door installer. They are trained to offer you quality work and ensure comfort and tranquility.

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