Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Garage

Spring is here! And with the end of the long, cold winter comes the excitement to finally reclaim the areas of your home that have simply been left alone in exchange for a warm spot near the fireplace.

With spring comes the annual ritual of spring cleaning. When it’s time to start this activity, you are going to want to make sure that you are not ignoring your garage. In fact, since the garage is generally the place that gets the most cluttered, it might just be the perfect place to start! This way, you will get the hardest part out of the way and you will be motivated to move on to cleaning up the rest of your home and yard.

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Garage

Get Ready

The first thing that you will want to do before starting to clean your garage is to gather your supplies. You will want to gather several large boxes and some packing tape. You will also need some heavy-duty garbage bags for what turns out to be garbage. The boxes should be labeled for storage and for an eventual garage sale. Cleaning out the garage can actually turn out to be very profitable for you!

Even if you don’t want to have a garage sale, you can always donate valuable items that you no longer need to those that do. Either way, the last thing that you want to do is simply reorganize any clutter or keep what you don’t want.

Label Everything You Are Keeping

So much of what you end up keeping in your garage often goes without being used simply because you forget what’s hidden in all those boxes and cabinets. Whatever you keep in your garage should be properly organized and labeled. It will make it much easier for you to always quickly find what you are looking for and know exactly what you do and don’t need.

Clean From Top To Bottom

While you might try to keep up with cleaning throughout the year, you really want to clean the garage from top to bottom during your spring cleaning. This is your chance to really get everything done since you will be moving everything for sorting. Once you have everything organized and back in place, it will be a lot easier to keep up with the general cleaning.

Since there is generally going to be a lot of dirt and dust, you might want to make sure that you are at least wearing a dust mask. Do not be afraid to get dirty. This is not going to be the cleanest of work, but you will be thrilled at your accomplishment once it’s done.

Mini Clean Ups

Once you go through your main spring cleaning event, you might want to think about doing a few mini cleaning sessions throughout the year. Even if you do only one every six months, this will often be enough to keep everything mostly in order. This year, when next year’s spring cleaning comes around, you will not have as big of a job!

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