Tips for Saving Space in Your Garage

Your garage is not just a space to keep only your car. For many of us, we use it to store most of our unused stuff with little concern over clutter building up. The problem with that is you’re limiting the large open space in your garage from being wisely used. If you’re a homeowner, you’re missing out if your garage isn’t organized for saving space. Here are a few tips to make sure that will never happen to you!

Tips for Saving Space in Your Garage


Sorting is one of the best means of saving space and keeping your garage organized and functional. It involves putting everything into various categories. For example, paintbrushes, rollers and tapes should be stored in one location. Rakes, hoes, seeds and fertilizer should also be stored in a single area of your garage. Devote a section of the garage to hand tools, screws, nails, power tools and other types of hardware. Put toys, fabrics and old household items together in one section of the garage as well.


There are many storage resources you can use in the garage including crates, wall storage and ceiling storage. These items can be found in home improvement stores at affordable prices.

Consider placing larger items, such as rakes and spades, on hooks. Medium sized items such as paint cans and power tools would occupy less space when placed on shelving units, while smaller items, such as toys, can be kept in crates and bins. Place items that are frequently used in easy-to-reach locations near the front of shelving and cabinets, and less used items at the back.

Use Crates and Bins

Many people store piles of fishing or camping gear in their garages. These items can be stored neatly in plastic crates. Sort these items by type, and then load them up in labeled crates for easy organization. Make sure you place the crates on the shelving with the labels pointing out for easy identification and access.

Crates are perfect for storing sports equipment such as soccer balls, kick balls and basketballs. This will make it easy for your kids to know where their favorite balls are. Longer sports gear such as baseball bats and golf clubs can be stored in elongated bins or trunks. These storage bins do not just make sports gear accessible, but they also protect it from damage.

Make the Most of Wall Storage

Wall storage involves building shelving, which can be challenging but yields great results. Before you build shelving, consider the items that you will want to place on it. Longer shelving is suitable for large, bulky items, while bins and containers prevent small items from getting lost. It is important to plan before building your shelving to ensure the finished product suits your needs. Consider installing cabinets to keep chemicals and paints out of reach of children. Power tools and other expensive equipment should be stored in locked cabinets.

Pegboards are ideal storage options for small and hard-to-store items such as oddly shaped lawn care equipment, hoes, shovels and weed eaters. These items will need hooks to keep them out of the way.

Consider Ceiling Storage

The ceiling provides great storage opportunities for saving space. However, it is important to make sure your ceiling storage does not impede the movement of your garage door. You can use large hooks to suspend bikes, scooters and other items. Ceiling storage options offer easy installation and allow homeowners to keep items out of sight in their garages.

Don’t Forget to Add Labels

Once all the items have been placed in their proper positions, create labels to ensure you do not have to remember what is stored inside storage bins, crates and other areas. Labeling is a simple task that will save you a lot of time and frustration in the future. Just be sure to use a permanent market or printed labels so they don’t fade as much over time.

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