
You’ve had enough of your cluttered garage… The next step it to clean it up, but where to start? Don’t worry – you are far from alone in this situation. Here are some websites that will help lead you out of your predicament.
LED and compact fluorescent light bulbs have become very popular with homeowners because of the energy savings they provide. For electric garage door openers, it is much better to use LED lightbulbs because they last 25% longer than compact fluorescent bulbs and don’t disrupt the communication signal between a door opener and its remote control.
Days are getting longer. The warmth of the sun brightens our spirits and it seems nature is waking from its long winter’s nap. For many of us, this season means renewal, when we want to do our spring cleaning. What’s more, we get our cars in order, change the tires, have the wheels aligned…
We have “smart” cars, “smart” TVs, “smart” phones – our everyday life objects are more connected than ever, allowing us to go beyond what we thought could be possible. Who would have thought that one day you could control your garage door with a tap on your smart phone?
Have you had any power failures in your area in the last couple of months? Has it happened a little more often than normal? As a precaution, did you know that you could equip your garage door opener with a backup battery for this type of situation? It is just the thing when you need to get your car out of the garage during a power failure… So, what is this backup battery and what type of door opener can it be installed on?
There’s plenty of things that people do with their garages to transform the space into something more useful than a place where you put your car, yard tools and old buckets of paint from the 80s. Some turn the garage into a home theatre zone while others decide to create a garage rock jam space. If you or your family happens to be into dance, there’s no reason why you can’t set up a dance studio in your garage if you have enough space to do so.
Most people don’t realize that their garage door is the largest moving object of their home. Here is everything you should know about it as well as things you never dared to ask!
Are you tired of looking at your faded garage door and want to give it a fresh new appearance? Maybe you’d like to give it a more rustic look? Then, why not create a faux woodgrain finish? You can either do it yourself or hire a professional painter. To achieve the desired results, you’ll have to take an approach that’s a bit different from regular painting. But with a little patience and artistic skill, you’ll end up with a garage door you can be proud of.
Is space at a premium in your home and you’re wondering if perhaps you could use part of your garage as a place to install your washer and dryer? If so, it’s better if you aren’t using your garage for too much more than storing your vehicle during the cold season. And of course, the garage should be reasonably clean. So here are a few tips to help you plan and execute the conversion.
We tend not to worry much about our garage door until something goes wrong. However, it’s easy to ensure that it works properly at all times by performing a visual inspection every two months and lubricating the major parts two times per year. If you happen to find a problem with your garage door, here’s a list of the most common ones. You’ll be able to identify the source of the problem and either correct it yourself or contact a garage door specialist to make the necessary repairs.

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