Don’t forget your garage door when decorating for the holidays!

It won’t be long before everyone starts decorating their home exteriors for the holidays. While you are stringing lights and hanging garlands, don’t overlook the largest flat surface on the front of your house – your garage door! In a neighborhood of plain, unadorned garage doors, make sure yours stands out and complements your other decorations. Here are some ideas taken from Pinterest to spur your imagination. You won’t need to spend a lot to get a new, festive look. Gather some outdoor lights, weatherproof craft materials, stickers, and a good dose of patience. And why not get your kids involved? They are sure to be full of ideas.

Garage door decoration
A little imagination is all you need!


Garage door decoration
Frame a distinctive garage door to highlight its good looks.


Garage door decoration
Dress up a garage door by hanging lighted garlands over it.


Garage door decoration
Use a projector to give your whole home, including the garage door, a festive look.


Garage door decoration
And why not project fun and eye-catching scenes on your door to entertain the neighborhood?

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